CSS Listserv/Mobilize

CSS Mobilize/Listserv

Mobilize.io is the new platform for the CSS listserv! Mobilize is part social media-style platform and part listserv, so it will hopefully make our engagements as a scholarly community more robust. Some features of mobilize include:

  • Social media-style engagement through mobilize.io
  • Post features including Polls and Opportunities for various ways to engage with one another
  • Individual notification settings so you can engage via email if you prefer
  • A mobile app to keep connected on the go
  • Capability for various subgroups of CSS to have their own community space (i.e. Cohorts, Grad Student Caucus, etc).
You are NOT required to be a member of the top-level CSS listserv, but to join any of the other subgroups you must be a dues-paying member of the Comics Studies Society.

For information about CSS’s Community Guidelines for mobilize engagement and for links to guides and videos on the platform, see below!

CSS Mobilize Community Guidelines

Mobilize Guides
