Special Election: Call for 2nd VP Nominations

Special Election: Call for 2nd VP Nominations

The Comics Studies Society (CSS) calls for nominations and self-nominations for Second Vice President. The Second Vice President commits to a three-year term of office in which one rises from Second Vice President to First Vice President, and then, finally, to President. The Board is interested in welcoming talented colleagues working on all aspects of comics studies. CSS is committed to encouraging and supporting leaders from diverse backgrounds.

Details about the responsibilities of each position are available here. Interested parties must be members of CSS—information for joining the Society is on the CSS website. All applicants for the position of Second Vice President must have at least three years of leadership experience, broadly defined, as well as a demonstrated publication or teaching history in comics studies. All nominees will be vetted by the Nominations Committee before appearing on the ballot. We encourage all applicants to connect with current or past officers to learn more about this position prior to the election.

Nominees should submit a short bio of 100-200 words, a letter of recommendation of no more than 500 words from a CSS member in good standing, and a statement of 500-1000 words outlining your experience as a comics scholar, teacher, creator, or librarian, as well as your experience in leadership roles, relevant education, and publications that might support your nomination to Julian Chambliss, Chair of the Nominations Committee, at comicsstudiesorg@gmail.com.

Nominations should be submitted by September 25, 2023.

The special election will run from October 1st to October 8th.
