Call for Webmaster for CSS

Call for Webmaster for CSS

The Comics Studies Society is currently seeking a new Webmaster to run our digital presence in close conjunction with the current Social Strategist. The Webmaster should have some familiarity with website platforms and hosting services, though a detailed knowledge of coding is not necessary. CSS uses a WordPress instance and has a website hosted through Reclaim Hosting. The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the society’s website and updating information as requested by other members of the executive committee. The Webmaster also manages the CSS listserv and social space, “Mobilize,” with the aid of other executive committee members. Finally, the Webmaster plays a crucial role in the yearly conference by helping to coordinate online or hybrid attendees so that the yearly conference can be as engaging and accessible as possible. Like other members on the executive committee, the Webmaster should be available for monthly meetings as well as other meetings as designated by subcommittee assignments.

The webmaster is an appointed position on the board and has a three year, renewable term. All candidates should be current members of CSS at the time of their application.

To apply for this position, please send your CV/resume and a short (1 paragraph) statement on your qualifications and previous experience to Materials are due no later than October 14th, 2024.

Following the applications, we will schedule a short interview to talk about you, the position, and your qualifications.
